First, find out what isn't true…

May 8, 2012

The Hasbara – World’s worst propaganda – photoshopping the evidence from Mavi Marmara


The Hasbara – World’s worst propaganda – photoshopping the evidence from Mavi Marmara?

Ships are a part of the territory of the state under whose flag they sail.

Basically, if there is a Master at Arms, the Captain must decide if the integrity of territory of the state is under threat, at which point armed resistance is warranted. If there is no Master at Arms on a ship, arms are expressly forbidden. Tools of trade such as knives, blades and equipment for ships maintenance and normal running of a galley are not arms.

You decide

Original from Haaretz

Enlargement of the dagger. Notice the mashed thumb, the gap between the blade and handle and the perspective of the blade, which is not correct for the position of his hand or the handle.

Note the shape of the blade

This pic is gamma corrected (lightened). Notice the shadows

A Jambiya does not have a gap between blade and handle

Here is the guy in question, with his ceremonial dagger

Here is his ceremonial dagger in the pile of ‘weapons’ found by the IDF

The only ‘weapon’ one would not normally find on a ship the size of the Mavi Mamara, is the ceremonial dagger. There are spare handles (shaped) for sledge hammers or fire axes, an assortment of cooking knives and a few pocket knives that every sailor carries. A screw driver? Other pics of weapons show iron bars etc. In fact, nothing unusual for an engineers’ workshop on a ship the size of the Mavi Mamara.

Notice the shape of the blade. Note especially – THERE IS NO GAP between blade and handle

He’s sitting. Why would and how could anyone attack the IDF while sitting? And why wasn’t he shot if he was attacking the IDF? And why are people standing in the background smiling, clapping?

The raid took place in the early morning at 4:30 IST.
this photo was taken during the day
This photo was taken during the day

Thanks to Denis O’Brien at _logo_phere


Also see an analysis of the alleged Mavi Marmara broadcasts

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