First, find out what isn't true…

April 8, 2014

Hasbara the world’s worst propaganda. Israel actually refuses Israelis RoR. Think about it

Civilians who have RoR and wish to return to what was “proclaimed as an independent republic within frontiers approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations in its Resolution of November 29, 1947” had at the very least a right to have become full Israeli citizens under the notions of Self Determination Israel had embraced by becoming a UN Member state!

If they fled before Israel proclaimed its borders, they were Palestine refugees. Refugees from Palestine. Under UNGA resolution 181 accepted “as binding” by the Jewish Agency, they had an equal right to be citizens of the Jewish state (Israeli) or; citizens of what remained of Palestine (Palestinians) or; take citizenship in a country other than the country of return, thereby forgoing refugee status.

Refugees who have RoR to become Israeli citizens to Israel as proclaimed and recognized (ibid), are not Palestinian refugees!

Palestinian refugees, citizens of the territory “outside the State of Israel” … “in Palestine” do not have a right of return to Israel. They do however have RoR to Palestinian territories Israel has illegally acquired by war and never legally annexed since proclaiming its sovereign extent and obligations to International Law to the world on May 15th 1948 (ibid).

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