First, find out what isn't true…

June 4, 2012

Land for Peace Israeli propaganda – The fallacy of Israel’s Land for Peace rhetoric – Read the Israel / Egypt Peace Agreement


How many times have you heard the phrase “Land For Peace”?
Or perhaps “UNSC Resolution 242 said borders must be negotiated”?

The Israel / Egypt Peace Treaty tells us three major points that contradict Israel’s stupid propaganda.

A) The purpose of UNSC Res 242 was to end hostilities between already existing UN Member states, resulting in peace agreements between those states.

B) Withdrawal by Israel from Egyptian territories was to begin BEFORE peaceful relations were assumed

C) No borders were negotiated. Egypt’s borders were set when it became an independent state, BEFORE Israel was declared.

From the Peace Treaty:

Article II Determination of Final Lines and Zones

1. In order to provide maximum security for both Parties after the final withdrawal, the lines and the Zones delineated on Map 1 are to be established and organized as follows:

until Israeli armed forces complete withdrawal from the current J and M Lines established by the Egyptian-Israeli Agreement of September 1975, hereinafter referred to as the 1975 Agreement, up to the interim withdrawal line, all military arrangements existing under that Agreement will remain in effect, except those military arrangements otherwise provided for in this Appendix.

Within a period of seven days after Israeli armed forces have evacuated any area located in Zone A…..

Within a period of seven days after Israeli armed forces have evacuated any area located in Zones A or B…

The Parties agree to remove all discriminatory barriers to normal economic relations and to terminate economic boycotts of each other upon completion of the interim withdrawal.

As soon as possible, and not later than six months after the completion of the interim withdrawal, the Parties will enter negotiations with a view to concluding an agreement on trade and commerce for the purpose of promoting beneficial economic relations.

1. The Parties agree to establish normal cultural relations following completion of the interim withdrawal.

2. They agree on the desirability of cultural exchanges in all fields, and shall, as soon as possible and not later than six months after completion of the interim withdrawal, enter into negotiations with a view to concluding a cultural agreement for this purpose.

Upon completion of the interim withdrawal, each Party will permit the free movement of the nationals and vehicles of the other into and within its territory ….etc etc

Again, from the Israeli Government:

March 26, 1979
The President,
The White House

Dear Mr. President,

I am pleased to be able to confirm that the Government of Israel is agreeable to the procedure set out in your letter of March 26, 1979, in which you state:

“I have received a letter from President Sadat that, within one month after Israel completes its withdrawal to the interim line in Sinai, as provided for in the Treaty of peace between Egypt and Israel, Egypt will send a resident ambassador to Israel and will receive in Egypt a resident Israeli ambassador.”


Menachem Begin

From the Peace Treaty:

Convinced of the urgent necessity of the establishment of a just, comprehensive and lasting peace in the Middle East in accordance with Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338;

Israel was left as the Occupying Power over Palestinian territories captured during the ‘recent conflict’ (1967) and; territories occupied by Israel in 1948/49, not recognized as Israeli by any country and never legally annexed to Israel.

1 Comment »

  1. Good work. Those three points from the Israel / Egypt Peace Treaty are very telling, and indeed demonstrate what you claim of them. A) The purpose of UNSC Res 242 was indeed to end hostilities between already existing states, resulting in peace agreements with those states, B) Israel was first required to withdraw from all Egyptian territories BEFORE peaceful relations resumed, C) No borders were negotiated. Egypt’s borders were set when it became an independent state, BEFORE Israel was declared.

    Now we see the reason for that other major hasbara stupidity, insisting that the Jordanian annexation of the West Bank (supported by Israel and the US, legalised in 1950 by the Arab League neighbours and not condemned by anyone) was faulty or illegal. The hasbara lies are necessary to try and “prove” that Israel is not obstructing peace.

    Comment by William Smart — June 5, 2012 @ 9:19 am

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